We celebrate Science Week enthusiastically each year, with activities coordinated by Ber Spillane.
Bread making
Our Science Week/Fortnight 2024 started on November 4th with brown bread making for the Junior and Senior infants, faciliated by Lucy from the Heritage in Schools scheme. The children learned about the whole process of breadmaking, including grinding corn to make flour using a quernstone. They were delighted to eat the bread with butter and jam on the following day.
materials used in the Past
David Finch from the Heritage in Schools scheme visited the school on November 11th and spoke to 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes about the materials used in the pre-plastic age. The children had the opportunity to examine a variety of authentic and replica artefacts from various time periods.
Willow Weaving
Continuing the materials theme, on November 11th also Beth Murphy visited the school and she worked with 1st and 2nd classes to create a 'hedgehog hotel' made from willow. On November 15th David Finch ran a willow weaving workshop with 3rd to 6th classes, where they made bracelets and fish shapes from willow.
Science experiments
Throughout the fortnight each of the senior classes prepared and demonstrated science experiments on a variety of themes, and invited the younger classes to their classrooms, where the older children explained the science concepts being demonstrated to the younger children.